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Keto Diet 101 - The Best Custom Keto Diet Review Of 2021

 Keto diet - Custom keto diet review 2021

KETO DIET - Custom keto diet review 2022

What is Keto Diet?

Simply put, a Keto diet is a high-fat, low-carb, low-to-moderate protein diet.

By drastically reducing the amount of carbohydrates in your diet, your body will enter and maintain ketosis - which is a metabolic state in which the body burns an alternative fuel called ketones.

The keto diet not only aids in weight loss, but new research suggests that it may also aid in the treatment of health conditions such as type 2 diabetes and Alzheimer's disease!

Here are our top three pieces of advice to help you get started on the right way with your Keto-diet journey:

· Eat the right foods

· Eat the correct amounts of those foods, and

· Prepare for the keto flu

The goal is to substitute keto-friendly foods for carb-heavy foods. This will allow you to eat fewer calories than before, as well as kick-start and maintain ketosis.

Meat, high-fat dairy, and healthy oils, leafy greens and above-ground vegetables, nuts and seeds, avocado, berries, and keto-approved sweeteners are all important.

Grain, sugar, fruit, and starchy vegetables must all be avoided.

You'll be eating a lot more home-cooked meals than packaged, processed, or ready-made foods.

It's not just about eating the right foods,... You must also learn how to eat properly. This leads us to our second point.

A Keto diet can help you gradually reduce your calorie intake, resulting in long-term weight loss. However, if you are not meticulously tracking what you eat, this can be difficult to achieve.

To determine how much you should eat on a Keto diet, you must track your progress every few weeks and make adjustments as needed.

If you aren't getting the desired results, you can also use this Custom Keto Diet Meal Planner (which we find to be a more precise method).

You'll also need to keep track of your macronutrients, which are fats, carbs, and protein that must be carefully balanced in order to keep your body in ketosis.

In general, we recommend eating less than 35 grams of carbs per day and aiming for at least 70% of your calories to come from fat and 25% from protein.


To show how effective the meal plans are, here’s what real clients have to say…


Custom Keto Diet Reviews:

“As of today I’ve lost 35 pounds, I have no hunger pangs and mentally I feel sharp as a pin. This is definitely going to become a ‘way of life’ for me as it’s so easy to follow…

“All my meals are planned out for me and I even get a downloadable shopping list with all the ingredients I need for the weekly shop so it really is a doddle.”

–Katy Thompson, UK

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“I’m 4 weeks into my custom Keto diet plan and I’ve lost 14 pounds which I must say is pretty incredible, it’s actually amazing watching my body transform into something I am actually proud of rather than something I have always tried to cover up.”

–Jessica Grey, US

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“I’ve struggled with my weight my whole life and it’s safe to say that I’ve tried a LOT of diets… The Keto diet is the only one I’ve managed to stick to and the weight is literally melting off my body.


“Unlike other diets where I am feeling hungry all day and food is constantly on my mind, the Keto diet has completely eliminated this, I actually NEVER feel hungry with this way of eating!


“I would definitely recommend anyone struggling to lose weight to try these custom Keto meal plans as they really have been a godsend for me.”

–Gary Best, Canada

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>> Checkout The Custom Keto Meal Plan Here: 28-day Keto diet meal plan


The Custom Keto diet meal planner will assist you in determining exactly what to aim for each day and will keep you on track to achieve positive end results.


When starting a Ketogenic diet, you must be prepared for the Keto flu!

Your body will go through some changes as it adjusts to the new Keto diet regime when you first reduce your carbohydrate intake.

The 'Keto flu,' an umbrella term for the flu-like symptoms that may arise as a result of this internal system adjustment, is one possible change you may encounter.

These symptoms usually only last a short time. However, it is best to be prepared and ready for it.

To counteract the effect, drink more water, increase your Sodium, Potassium, and Magnesium intake, and eat more fat, particularly MCTS.

Most importantly, you must check in with yourself on a regular basis to monitor changes in your body composition.




You're Reading: Custom keto diet review 2021


Essentially, the human body can run on two different types of fuel,... The first is sugar from carbohydrates in our food, which is the primary component of what most people eat today. Bread, pasta, rice, potatoes, and other carbohydrates are examples...

Fat is the second fuel source.

The Keto diet is very low in carbs.....

In this state, the body is forced to rely primarily on fat for fuel. For example, eggs, oil, meat, avocados, butter, foods, nuts, and so on.

FACT: Fat can be used to power the brain! That is the foundation of the Keto diet.

When the body runs out of sugar, fat is converted in the liver into energy molecules known as ketones, which fuel the brain.

And the diet that results is known as Ketogenic, as it produces Ketones. That is why the diet is known as the Keto diet.

When your body is primarily fueled by fat, a state known as “Ketosis” develops, which has numerous benefits, including transforming your body into an automated fat-burning machine!

It's ideal for weight loss because it doesn't cause hunger and burns fat 24 hours a day, even when you're sleeping.

Because it provides a lot of energy, you'll never run out of it.

It's not entirely surprising that the Keto diet has become so popular in recent years.

Keto's origins can be traced back many centuries.

It is a strict low-carb diet, a gluten-free diet, similar to the Paleo diet, and very similar to the well-known Atkins diet.

The basic concept is straightforward and based on real foods.

Simply avoid most carbohydrates such as sugar, processed junk or packaged food, bread, pasta, rice, and so on. Instead, you eat foods such as meat, fish, vegetables, eggs, and natural fats such as butter.

What makes Keto unique is that it is a supercharged low-carb diet that allows you to get the most out of it.

We'll get to the specifics later....

For decades, if not centuries, similar diets have been tested.

These similar diets are becoming more popular than ever because they work, and this could have an evolutionary explanation, as our ancestors did not eat refined carbohydrates or sugar in the same quantities that we do today, and our bodies may not be adapted to those foods. Modern science demonstrates that it works!

Most people are guaranteed to lose excess weight on a Keto diet; without hunger, and a variety of health problems present, tend to improve.

A Keto diet is also not used as a quick fix. Many people find it to be a long-term lifestyle practice that they enjoy.

Because the diet not only aids in weight loss, but it is also effective in maintaining long-term health and fitness.

Because of this diet, many people feel more energized, have better mental clarity, and have more stable blood sugar levels. Most sweet food cravings and hunger are reduced, so there is no need to snack all the time! 

As a result, people save time that they would have spent looking for food or snacks to eat all the freaking time! They eat delicious food whenever they are hungry, and there is no longer any need to count calories.

Most people feel so satisfied on the Keto diet that they can eat only when they are truly hungry, all while losing weight.

They don't even have to work out (how cool is that?).

Of course, some exercise is still strongly advised for overall health and fitness. However, it is not required for weight loss (when on Keto).

Keto is all the rage right now!

It's the new buzzword, the new favorite among those looking to lose a lot of weight.

While the Keto diet is not a magical "cure-all" for every disease on the planet, it does a good job of being a potential catalyst for healing many horrible conditions. So, let's cut through the science, separate fact from fiction, and look at the amazing Keto diet's benefits.


==> YOU MIGHT ALSO WANT TO CHECK-OUT: How I lost 97 lb in two weeks, with this method of Fat loss!


You're Reading: How to start keto diet | Keto diet for beginners


How Does Keto Diet Work?

It appears counterintuitive that increasing your fat diet can lead to weight loss. But, strangely, it does!

Your diet is typically high in carbohydrates - which are broken down into glucose, or blood sugar (for use as energy in the body).

As glucose enters your bloodstream, your body releases insulin, which causes the excess glucose to be stored as fat. The more carbohydrates you eat, the more glucose you produce. The more glucose there is, the more insulin there is, and the more insulin there is, the more fat there is!

The Keto diet takes advantage of the fact that when you eat high-fat, low-carbohydrate meals, there is no insulin spike and you do not add to your fat reserves. Instead, fat from the Keto diet is stored and broken down into ketones (“Keto” is an abbreviation for “Ketogenic” ketones).


==> CHECK THIS OUT: How I lost 97 lb in two weeks, with this method of Fat loss!


Ketones, like glucose, can be used for energy, keeping your body running without raising blood sugar levels or gaining fat. The advantages of this diet can be enormous!

Here are some examples of such advantages:...

Weight Loss:

The Keto diet is an excellent way to lose weight and burn fat. Consuming fewer carbohydrates suppresses appetite, and studies have shown that Keto diet participants consume fewer calories overall as a result. Fat burning for energy can result in rapid weight loss!


Reduced Blood Sugar and Insulin:

Because carbohydrate consumption is restricted in Keto, blood insulin and sugar levels are reduced. This is especially important for people with type 2 diabetes, which causes glucose buildup in the bloodstream. The Keto diet can help diabetics reduce or eliminate the need for insulin injections.


Reduced Triglycerides:

Triglycerides, which are fat sub-molecules, normally circulate in your bloodstream. High-triglyceride triglycerides are a significant risk factor for the development of heart problems. Because fat is burned for energy on the Keto diet, the amount of triglyceride molecules in the bloodstream decreases, reducing the risk of heart disease.


Improved Cholesterol:

Another risk factor for heart disease is “bad” (LDL) cholesterol. Too much bad cholesterol in your bloodstream narrows your arteries and causes atherosclerosis, a type of heart disease. 

The Keto diet lowers bad cholesterol levels while increasing “good” (HDL) cholesterol levels in the body.

The Keto diet has numerous health benefits. This diet will not only help you lose weight quickly, but it will also improve your overall health and help you avoid disease.


Benefit Number 1 — Weight Loss:

Okay, so this one isn't so spectacular, but it's one of the most common reasons people start the Keto diet. So, why is it that the Ketogenic diet is usually easier to lose weight than other regular diets? Because of the following reasons:

The Keto diet consists of 75 percent fat, 20 percent protein, and 5 percent or less carbohydrates. Because of the high fat content and lack of sugar, there are fewer cravings, fewer blood sugar swings and binges, and more satiation. Increased satiation = less eating.

Many people have food sensitivities to grains, including gluten-free grains, so eliminating them may result in an increased ability to absorb minerals like magnesium and potassium, which means your body is better nourished and you have fewer cravings.

When your blood sugar falls below a certain level, your body turns to its glycogen stores for energy. Glycogen stores typically hold about 2000 calories of "backup" energy for when you run out of glucose. 

Your body, like the intelligent machine that it is, depletes glycogen stores and then turns to your own body fat for fuel - Custom keto diet review


IMPORTANT: The Ketogenic diet is not an eat-all-you-want diet,... You will not lose weight if you consume far more calories than you require.

So keep your diet focused on fatty cuts of grass-fed meat, butter, eggs, avocados, lots of green veggies and cruciferous vegetables, and be moderate with Keto desserts, dairy, and sweets.


Benefit Number 2 — Brain Function:

As you may be aware, a poorly functioning brain leads to decreased work productivity, which in turn leads to an unhappy boss, a lack of job satisfaction, sugar cravings for energy, and depression.

It's a terrible chain reaction. Dr. Russell Wilder developed the original Ketogenic diet to treat epilepsy in the early twentieth century.

The success rate was astounding, and it is still used to treat epilepsy and other brain disorders today. According to research, ketones are a more efficient brain fuel than glucose.

(Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5102124/)



Benefit Number 3 — Potential Cancer Benefits:

One study showed that implementing the Ketogenic diet led to a dramatically increased survival time and slower tumor growth in Cancer patients. 

(Source: https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC5450454/)



More Reasons Why You Should Be On A Keto Diet:

When you hear about the Ketogenic diet, the first thing that comes to mind is what could possibly make it as good as people claim. The answer is that there are enough advantages to make a difference in your life.

What exactly is a Keto Diet Program?

The Keto diet calls for a low carbohydrate, moderate protein, and high-fat diet. The goal is to fine-tune nutritional intake in order to induce the metabolic state known as ketosis in the body.

When the body's glycogen sugar stores are depleted, it enters a state of ketosis. With sugar out of the picture, the body is forced to rely on its fat reserves to survive. 

The liver converts fat reserves into ketones, which are then used as an energy source by the body. This is why the Keto program is a good way to lose fat.


7 benefits of the Keto diet:

Unlike other diets that only provide weight loss benefits, the Keto diet provides several advantages.

Lose weight:

Without a doubt, the Keto diet's primary goal is weight loss. It works by forcing the body to use its fat reserves to power its metabolism. However, delving deeper into the process can be fascinating.

When the body is deprived of carbohydrates, it enters Ketosis. When this happens, blood sugar and insulin levels drop. 

As the body taps the energy in fat cells, significant amounts of water are released, resulting in significant weight loss. 

The fat cells can then enter the bloodstream and make to the liver, where they are converted into Ketones for energy processing. You can enjoy the weight loss benefits of the Keto diet as long as your diet allows you to maintain a caloric deficit.

Improved concentration:

When you choose a regular diet that contains carbs, your brain must deal with the resulting rise and fall in body sugar levels. Inconsistent energy levels can make it difficult for the brain to concentrate. However, with the Keto diet, the energy source is constant and consistent. The brain is better able to concentrate.

It satisfies your appetite:

When you reduce your carbohydrate intake, you will notice that you do not crave as much food as you did previously. 

Many people who follow the Keto diet can fast for the majority of the day and only eat at mealtimes. They are simply not as hungry as they once were.


You feel more energized:

When you follow a strict diet, your body is constantly on the verge of energy. You must eat and refuel on a regular basis. A Keto diet, on the other hand, causes the body to tap into its fat reserves, which serve as a nearly limitless source of energy. As a result, the body is able to maintain consistent energy levels throughout the day. As a result, you'll feel a lot more energized.

It aids in the treatment of diabetes:

When you have Type II diabetes, your body produces a lot of insulin. Because the Keto diet takes excess sugar from your diet, it aids in the stabilization of HbA1c levels and the reversal of Type II diabetes.

You have higher levels of good cholesterol:

HDL cholesterol aids in the removal of the body's bad cholesterol reserves. When you go Keto, your triglyceride levels drop while your HDL cholesterol levels rise.

Blood Pressure Improvement:

High blood pressure increases the risk of a variety of diseases and is a leading cause of death worldwide. In terms of lowering blood pressure, a low-carb diet has been shown to be more effective than a low-fat diet. 

Some even claim that it is as effective as taking pills. This, combined with the weight loss resulting from a Ketogenic diet, will undoubtedly improve cardiovascular health and function significantly.

Numerous studies in the field of nutrition science have shown that this type of dieting can have a very positive impact on your overall health and bodily function.

The rewards are plentiful as long as you can maintain the discipline. For those who have not seen much success with traditional methods, the Keto approach is definitely worth considering.

You have lower blood pressure:

When you follow the Keto diet, your blood pressure drops. Many people who follow the Keto diet are able to stop taking blood pressure medication entirely.

The Keto diet has the potential to transform a person's life. It's also not a difficult diet to follow. There are many delicious Keto diet recipes available. All it takes is the willingness to give it a try.

Mental Capacity:

Ketones produced by a low carbohydrate diet are a far more efficient source of energy than glucose. According to research, they can improve cognitive impairment and even help with diseases like Alzheimer's and Parkinson's. 

The high-fat diet aids in the balance of essential omega 3s and omega 6s, both of which are required for optimal brain function. 

Furthermore, ketosis can increase mitochondrial production and adenosine triphosphate levels in the brain's memory cells, improving mental performance and clarity.

Chronic disease risk is reduced:

A ketogenic diet can strengthen the body's defenses against a number of conditions. 

It can help to reduce the risk of developing several chronic diseases by reducing inflammation and improving mitochondrial function. 

Cancer cells frequently have abnormal mitochondria, which require an increased supply of glycogen. 

Ketosis allows normal cells to be fed while starving cancer cells, which are unable to use ketones for energy due to dysfunctional mitochondria.

You're reading: How to Begin a keto Diet | keto Diet for Beginners

The Science Behind the Ketogenic Diet:

To explain how the Ketogenic diet works, I must first explain how the body's metabolism works.

The peptide hormones insulin and glucagon promote two opposing biochemical pathways in your body.

Consider them the Yin and Yang of your metabolism. The goal is to maintain the availability of energy for your body's cells by balancing your blood glucose levels.

The function of insulin is to lower blood sugar levels. It accomplishes this by increasing the uptake of glucose into cells.

When glucose enters the cells, it can undergo glycogenesis or lipogenesis.

Glycogenesis is the process by which cells convert glucose into polysaccharides.

Glycogen and Lipogenesis is the process of converting glucose to triglycerides. In other words, fat glycogenesis takes place in skeletal muscles, lipogenesis takes place in fat cells, and both processes take place in the liver.

The function of glucagon is the inverse of that of insulin,... It promotes glycogenolysis and gluconeogenesis, which raises blood sugar levels.

Glucagon binds to receptors in the liver in glucose analysis. The glycogen is then converted to glucose by the liver cells and released into the blood.

An average person's glycogen stores can last about 12 to 14 hours or 2 hours of moderate exercise. 

This is maintained by consuming about 250 to 400 grams of carbs per day. Glycogen stores deplete during prolonged exercise, giving the feeling that you've hit a wall and can't go any further. It can also become depleted while fasting.

The metabolic pathway in which glucose is generated from non-carb sources such as glycerol, which is a component of fat, or from glucose is known as gluconeogenesis.

Proteins are made up of amino acids.

Fasting can cause your cells to begin breaking down protein in order to release amino acids into your bloodstream.

In the liver, glucogenic amino acids can be converted to glucose. Your muscle mass is a good source of protein. As a result, people are warned that fasting can cause muscle wasting!

There is also a class of amino acids known as ketogenic amino acids. These can be directly converted into acetyl co, a precursor of ketone bodies.

Unlike fat, glycogen can be rapidly mobilized in skeletal muscle and used as a fuel source in the absence of oxygen.

When you eat carbs, they are converted into glucose, which floats around and is especially important for brain function.

Meanwhile, fat oxidation, or burning, necessitates the consumption of energy.

Triglycerides are the most common type of fat in our bodies, and they are found in food as three fatty acid groups attached to a glycerol via an ester bond. As a result, fatty acids are fat molecule subunits.

The ester bond between the fatty acids and the glycerol is cleaved during lipolysis. Fatty acids are released from fat cells and float in the bloodstream. 

This process is triggered by elevated glucagon levels, which occur as a result of low blood sugar.

Triglycerides have the ability to enter the majority of the body's cells. The exceptions are red blood cells, which lack mitochondria, and the central nervous system, which lacks mitochondria due to the blood-brain barrier.

The fatty acids are then converted to acetylcoate by enzymes, which can then enter Kreb's cycle.

Kreb's cycle, also known as the Citric acid-cycle, is a set of biochemical reactions that oxidize acetylcoate to produce energy.

When the liver breaks down fatty acids, it produces ketones, which then emit amino acids in the absence of carbs and glycogen. As a result, ketone bodies are present during high-intensity gluconeogenesis.

Ketone bodies, which include acetoacetate, a hydroxybutyrate, and acetone, a spontaneous breakdown product, are easily absorbed by cells in other tissues, such as the brain.

Ketone bodies, unlike glycerides, can cross the blood-brain barrier and replace glucose as the brain's energy source.

They are then converted into acetylcoate, which can then enter the Krebs cycle.

So now I'm going to discuss the Ketogenic diet...

The Ketogenic diet entails... The goal is to transition from a glycolysis state, in which your body burns glucose, to a ketosis state, in which your body burns ketones.

In simple terms,... You are forcing your body to begin burning fat as its primary energy source rather than incoming carbs.

This is accomplished by consuming a diet high in fat, moderate in protein, and low in carbohydrates!

The body quickly exhausts its preferred energy source (carbohydrates) and switches to fat burning.

The goal of this diet is for carbs to account for about 5% of macronutrient intake, protein to account for 15% to 30%, and fat to account for the remainder.

Your body takes several days to adjust to the change in macronutrient composition.

The body enters a state of ketosis during the first few days of the keto diet, and insulin levels drop rapidly.

As the level of ketone bodies rises, many people, but not all, experience the dreaded ‘Keto flu.'

This is due to the rapid loss of water retained in the water along with the carbs from the previous diet.

Along with the water, there is a significant loss of electrolytes such as sodium, potassium, and magnesium.

Thirst, frequent urination, fatigue, muscle cramps, headaches, nausea, and mental fog are some of the symptoms.

Many people find that taking supplements or drinking pickle juice to replace lost electrolytes, as well as drinking plenty of water, helps their Keto flu go away faster.

Many people report improved mental clarity, increased energy, and decreased appetite after overcoming the Keto flu.

Some people follow the keto diet in order to lose weight.

Weight loss is rapid in the first few days due to water loss.

Following that, weight loss slows but remains linear.

According to one study, athletes who follow the Ketogenic diet burn significantly more fat during their workouts.

Many people follow a Ketogenic diet in order to improve their mental clarity.

Another side effect of the Ketogenic diet is that your breath will smell fruity or like nail polish, which is caused by the Ketone bodies.

The odor is caused by the spontaneous decomposition of one of the Ketone body's acids, such as acetic acid, into acetate.

After a while on the diet, the side effect(s) go away.


You're Reading: How to start keto diet | Keto diet for beginners



How To Start The Keto Diet:

If you want to lose fat, you must try this brand new custom keto meal plan.

Certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs collaborated to develop keto meal plans that are effective, convenient, cost-effective, and enjoyable.

Since their launch in January 2019, hundreds of clients have transformed their figure and health by utilizing the advantages that a proper Keto diet can provide.

Speaking of benefits, you'll find eight scientifically proven ones provided by the keto diet in this post.

The Keto diet can help you achieve (and keep!) a healthy weight, which is benefit number one:

The Keto diet is fantastic for losing fat and keeping it off. A meta-analysis of 13 randomized controlled trials, for example, concluded:

“Individuals assigned to a VLCKD [very low carbohydrate Ketogenic diet] achieve greater weight loss in the long term than those assigned to an LFD [low-fat diet]; thus, a VLCKD may be an alternative tool against obesity.”

Furthermore, randomized controlled trials discovered that the Keto diet results in up to three times the weight loss of a high-carb, low-fat diet.

In other words, if you want to slim down but are tired of failing at weight loss, the Keto diet could be the answer.

The Keto diet can help manage or even reverse diabetes, according to benefit number two:

Many studies show that limiting carbohydrate intake benefits diabetes. In fact, before the discovery of injectable insulin, the Keto diet was the standard diabetes treatment.

The Keto diet improves brain function (benefit number three):

Most people notice an improvement in their brain function and mental clarity when they go Keto.

The Keto diet benefits your brain in a variety of ways and for a variety of reasons. One important reason is that ketosis improves mitochondrial function.

Ketosis, according to researchers, stimulates the formation of new mitochondria in your brain, particularly in your hippocampus. This improves your mental sharpness, memory, and energy levels.

Take into account the following

According to a study published in Annals of Internal Medicine, going low-carb for two weeks improved insulin sensitivity by up to 75% in type 2 diabetics.

Another study involving 21 people with type 2 diabetes discovered that seven of them were able to stop taking their diabetes medication within 16 weeks of going Keto.

The Keto diet improves mental health (benefit number four):

The Keto diet is beneficial for a variety of mental disorders and conditions. For example, studies show that the Keto diet:

Has antidepressant properties

Improves the behavior of autistic children

In bipolar disorder patients, it may help to stabilize their mood.

One case of schizophrenia has been cured.

The Keto diet lowers the risk of heart disease, which is benefit number five:

While saturated fat and cholesterol are frequently blamed for clogging arteries, they do not cause heart disease.

That's great news for Keto dieters, because this diet is high in high-fat foods like eggs, nuts, and bacon.

In fact, the Keto diet lowers the risk of heart disease for four main reasons.

The keto diet:

Weight loss is stimulated.

Increases levels of “good” HDL cholesterol

Reduces blood triglyceride levels

Lowers blood pressure

Benefit number six is that the Keto diet can be used to treat a variety of neurological diseases:

Alzheimer's, ALS, Parkinson's disease, infantile spasms (West syndrome), and epilepsy are among them.

Benefit number seven is that the Keto diet may fight to prevent and treat certain types of cancer:

Because most cancer cells use glucose as fuel, Keto diets may fight in the prevention and treatment of the disease.

In-vitro cancer cells, for example, frequently die when only ketones and fat are provided for energy. Furthermore, numerous studies show that the Keto diet aids in the fight against brain cancer.

The Keto diet can improve gut health and bowel disorders, according to benefit number eight:

Many bowel diseases are caused by pathogens and infections in the gut, both of which require glucose for energy.

You can avoid these infections and pathogens by limiting your carbohydrate intake. That is how following a Keto diet can help to improve gut health and treat bowel disease.

Don't you think it's impressive? And if you're ready to start reaping the benefits, you can get your personalized Keto meal plan for the price of three movie tickets.




You're Reading: How to start keto diet | Keto diet for beginners


Proof that the Keto diet can help you transform your body quickly:

If you're like most people, the idea of being able to walk around with a lean figure that turns heads wherever you go excites you.

Now, I'm not saying that this customized meal plan will instantly transform your body into the best shape of your life. Losing fat and toning your body takes time and effort.

But I will say that they have created this custom meal plan service to assist men and women all over the world in turning their lives around and taking control of their health and figure.

You can begin your journey to a lean and healthy body right now, and I want to show you how.

It's easy:

Click here to get your one-of-a-kind Keto meal plan designed to help you lose fat, increase energy, and improve your health.

We'll show you what to eat every day to reach your goals in the quickest and most enjoyable way possible.

In other words, our team has done all of the "heavy lifting" for you, from calculating your calorie and macro intake to creating a meal plan, outlining meal prep instructions, and more.

All you have to do is follow your "paint-by-numbers" instructions and you'll reap the benefits.

Here's what you'll get with your personalized Keto meal plan:

Do you want to lose weight but can't seem to make a permanent change?

Have you read books, articles, and watched videos on how to follow a Keto diet but aren't sure how to put it all together?

Or do you know how to follow a Keto diet but find it difficult to stick to it due to a lack of structure?

I understand!

While it may follow that following and succeeding on a Keto diet is simple, it is not. It takes perseverance, grit, and planning.

That is why We have developed a personalized meal plan service:

As you might expect, this isn't your run-of-the-mill "here are some recipes culled from random blogs" meal plan that many nutrition "gurus" sell for exorbitant prices.


Instead, we'll give you all the tools you need to reach your ideal body weight and health goals in a way that's effective, convenient, cost-effective, and enjoyable.

What you'll get is as follows:

An eight-week meal plan developed with the help of certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs.

Meals that are tailored to your specific situation and goals in terms of calorie and macronutrient content.

A nutrition plan that includes a variety of foods to ensure you get a wide range of nutrients and increase the likelihood that you will stick to your diet.

Meals based on your food preferences to make your diet more enjoyable and to help you stay on track with your plan.

Detailed recipes with step-by-step instructions make meal preparation a breeze (no prior cooking experience needed).

Each week, you'll receive a downloadable shopping list that includes every ingredient you'll need for the next seven days.

Options for further customizing each meal to your taste preferences.

And much more...

In other words, we've done everything we can to reach an effective, convenient, and enjoyable meal plan to assist you in meeting your health and weight goals.

You're Reading: How to start keto diet | Keto diet for beginners


Do you make any of these four common weight-loss blunders?

If you make feeling stuck in a rut or dissatisfied with your results, you're probably making one or more of the following weight loss mistakes.

The first mistake is not being in a calorie deficit:

You'll never lose weight if you don't have a calorie deficit, no matter how "clean" you eat or how much you exercise.

It works as follows:

You will gain weight if you consume more calories than you burn.

You will lose weight if you consume fewer calories than you burn.

That is scientifically proven.

Mark Haub, a Kansas State University professor of human nutrition, ate Twinkies, Oreos, Doritos, and protein shakes for two months while maintaining a moderate daily calorie deficit.

What was the end result?

He lost 27 pounds in two months by eating junk food... simply by being in a calorie deficit.

Now, we don't recommend that you follow such a diet because it's bad for your health, but it proves my point.

Mistake No. 2: Adopting an excessive calorie deficit:

If a 300-calorie-per-day energy deficit gets you lean, a 900-calorie deficit should get you slim three times as fast, right?


A severe calorie deficit does not result in superior fat loss, but rather hinders your progress for four reasons:

It slows your metabolism, causing you to burn fewer calories per day. This sets you up for regaining all of your lost diet once you stop dieting.

Severe dieting results in excessive muscle loss, which impairs metabolism.

Your cravings go haywire, making you more likely to cheat on your diet or abandon it entirely.

It has a negative impact on your hormonal health. For example, it raises levels of the "stress hormone" cortisol, which promotes muscle wasting and decreases fat burning.

That is why low-calorie diets are doomed to fail. While you may lose weight in the first few days, you will regain it once your willpower wears off. On top of that, you'll probably gain some weight.

Mistake #3: Assuming that all calories are created equal:

As previously stated, being in a calorie deficit is essential for weight loss. However, this does not imply that all calories are created equal!

Most of us, after all, strive to improve our appearance. And in order to do so, it is necessary to lose fat rather than weight.

It is critical to consider which energy sources you use for your calories when trying to lose fat.

For example, if you don't consume enough protein, you'll lose a weight of muscle tissue.

However, if you make enough protein, you will keep your muscle mass, and a significant portion of your weight loss will come from actual body fat.

Furthermore, eating the right foods is critical for diet adherence. Simply put, certain foods are more satiating than others, and eating such filling foods makes it easier to stick to your diet.

That is why you should follow a diet with an optimized food selection based on your own personal situation and goals.

Mistake #4: Adhering to an unrealistic, overly restrictive diet:

Willpower is similar to a battery in that you only have so much of it before it runs out. That is why, in the long run, restrictive diets fail.

They eventually deplete your willpower, which leads to bingeing and the loss of all your progress.

I've seen it a million times... a man or woman who is committed to losing weight and becoming healthier. He or she begins a diet consisting of only tilapia, asparagus, and chicken.

While the results are good at first, and the dieter faithfully brings their Tupperware boxes with “healthy” meals wherever he or she goes, it only takes a short time before their willpower — and thus their diet — crumbles.

What is the solution?

We've developed a custom meal plan service to help you avoid common fat loss blunders like the four listed above.

We've collaborated with certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs to create ideal Keto meal plans that are effective, convenient, cost-effective, enjoyable, and personalized for you.

These personalized meal plans are based on the most recent scientific research in nutrition, allowing you to enhance your health and figure in the quickest and most manageable way possible.

And when I say "customized," I mean it. Your meal plan is entirely based on the responses you provided during the eight-step questionnaire on our website.

So, are you ready to support your figure, health, and well-being with a Keto diet plan tailored to you?

If so, click the link below to get started right away:



You will receive:

An eight-week meal plan developed with the help of certified nutritionists, personal trainers, and chefs.

Meals that are tailored to your specific situation and goals in terms of calorie and macronutrient content.

Detailed recipes with step-by-step instructions make meal preparation a breeze (no prior cooking experience needed).

Each week, you'll receive a downloadable shopping list that includes every ingredient you'll need for the next seven days.

A nutrition plan that includes a variety of foods to ensure you get a wide range of nutrients and increase the likelihood that you will stick to your diet.

Meals based on your food preferences to make your diet more enjoyable and to help you stay to your diet plan.

Options for further customizing each meal to your taste preferences.

And much more...

In other words, we've done everything we can to create a meal plan that's convenient, effective, and enjoyable to help you achieve your health and body-shape goals.

You should not purchase the customized meal plan!

Are you still unsure whether my custom meal plan service is right for you?

If that's the case, I understand.

To be honest, it's not for everyone.

It is not for people who are content with their current circumstances and do not see the need to improve their health, figure, or energy level.

It is not intended for those seeking an unhealthy, quick-fix crash diet that depletes willpower and causes weight to return immediately after stopping

It's not even for the "unmotivated," because, as we all know, changing one's diet necessitates commitment and consistency.

This custom meal plan service, on the other hand, is for people who want to be in control of their health and well-being.

It's for people who want to finally achieve a figure that makes them proud to look in the mirror.

It's for people who are driven to fix what's broken, heal what's broken, and improve what's lacking, and who believe that no matter what the circumstances are, something can always be done.

It's also for people who want the best for their bodies and lives, who want to eat healthier, feel more energetic, and reach their full potential.


How to Begin a Ketogenic Diet | Ketogenic Diet for Beginners:

The cost of the meal plans is $37. Why is it worthwhile for me to spend my money on it?

Answer: Because it assists you in avoiding the most common dietary blunders. Incorrect calorie intake and poor food selection are two examples.

After all, many people put in a lot of effort to lose weight and get healthy but don't see any results because of misinformation.

It gives you peace of mind to have a plan that you know works. You can then finally disregard all of the bad nutritional advice out there and concentrate on your progress and where you want to be.

Another advantage of following this meal plan is that you will learn how proper nutrition works. And once you've mastered this information, you'll have no trouble creating your own meal plans in the future.

How many meals will I eat each day?

Answer: You will eat three main meals and one snack per day.

Is it necessary for me to be a good cook to make this meal plan work?

No, it does not. To give you an example, I'm quite clumsy in the kitchen but have no trouble following step-by-step meal prep instructions.

What happens if I'm not happy with the meal plan?

Answer: You are protected by a simple but powerful 100 percent satisfaction guarantee, which works as follows:

If you are dissatisfied with the meal plans for any reason or for no reason at all, please contact us within 60 days for a full and immediate refund.

As a result, this is a completely risk-free investment in your health, figure, and happiness.

Claim your personalized meal plan right now by clicking the link below:

How to Begin a Ketogenic Diet | Ketogenic Diet for Beginners:


If you're reading this, you're probably in pain, either physical or mental (being overweight, dealing with autoimmune disorders, thyroid disease, fatigue, brain fog) and want to make a change.

Use this information, don't just skim it and file it away in the back of your mind thinking "that's nice for some people," motivate yourself to change.

==> YOU MIGHT ALSO WANT TO CHECK-OUT: How I lost 97 lb in two weeks, with this method of Fat loss!


AFFILIATE DISCLAIMER: This article contains affiliate links. This means that I’m going to make a commission if you make a purchase — at no extra cost to you.

Thanks for your support!



Post Title: Custom Keto Diet For Beginners - How To Start Keto Diet Review


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